Friday, August 28, 2009

1st marketing project sorry guys had some technical dificulties last time. wish me luck at the game and see you tomorrow to tell you how it went

1st marketing project

Today our 1st project for our marketing class was due. we had to do a presentation of the 4 p's of marketing which are product, place, price, promotion. i have attached the ppt. so y'all can watch it, enjoy.
todays the 1st game at SWHS go tigers

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

ahhh summer band

for most kids summer seems super long, but not 4 me. being in the band my summer was cut in half due to summer band. since we're in houston u know our summers r hot!! as u can tell by the name of my blog i play the tuba, when u add the weight of the tuba 2 the heat u get a pretty good idea of how my summer went, long days in the heat making sure u r marching perfectly. this year we got a new director and assistant director so we've adopted a brand new marching style which is hard 4 us upper classmen since we were used 2 our old style, but id say things have gone well and im looking forward 2 our first game on friday.
school started this week and im looking forward to my sports marketing class since this is what im thinking of doing with my life. ill be back saturday to tell u how our game went